10 tips for ESG implementation in 2023

1. ESG isn’t going away. If you don’t have people working on it now, you’re behind your competitors.

2. Sit down and read your ESG published policy - white wash, green wash or attempt to change?

3. Is the C-suite leading your ESG development? If not, plans won’t go anywhere.

4. Today’s Millennial and Gen Z’s customers and employees expect ESG programmes to be in place – without them sales and employee productivity will drop.

5. Everyone, especially younger audiences, sees through green washing. Don’t do it!

6. For best engagement and buy in, ask staff for their input. Recognise that adding extra ESG work to their day job without reducing their normal workload won’t wash – it needs focused engagement.

7. Remember its worth it - strong ESG policies create strong communities and mean happier, more motivated, more productive staff - it also helps attract top talent (Mckinsey).

8. In time, add ESG into your employees’ KPIs. It’ll prove your commitment to them and to your other key stakeholders, internal and external.

9. Be aware that your suppliers may not be as focused on ESG as you are. Give them time, make them aware it's a priority…and sort out back up plans.

10. ESG isn’t a bottom line cost - it’s a top line benefit, attracting more customers, providing more sustainable ways of working, reduced energy consumption, better motivated employees and stronger community relations.


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Episode 8 (pt2): Company Health Beyond Profit